Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today is the Day

I am leaving today for Texas. On the road by 1pm. I cannot believe it. The last 4 months flew by. I will take LOTS of pictures. They will probably be up on Tuesday.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6 days left in Minneasota

Today I just order electricity that using 100% renewable resourses for the apartment down in Dallas!!! I cannot believe I am moving in less than a week. There is so much left to do and so many people I have to still visit.

As of right now, the plan is to start driving around 3pm on August 26th. I am going to meet Shawn in the parking lot of a casino right over the Iowa border. We are going to sleep somewhere around Kansas City, after around 7 hours of driving. I would like to be at the apartment by 2pm on Wednesday so we would have to be on the road again by 6am. The POD with all our stuff will arrive on Thursday. Shawn and I are hoping to have everything moved in that day. I want everything unpacked by Sunday. Labor Day, maybe ride my bike around White Rock Lake. Maybe swim in the pool. Maybe bake some bread so the apartment feels more like home. Shawn and I both start our new jobs on September 2nd.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Como Zoo 8/17/2008

Faith in the butterfly room

There was a Japanese Festival on Sunday. Faith, Julie and her son Max are resting after eating.

Julie, Max and I in the Japanese garden.

Faith and I in my favorite room in the conservatory, the fern room.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I went in yesterday to get a short fun/sassy haircut and I came out with a boring/too short in the front and too long in the back haircut. So upset.

The stylist gave me bangs that are too short. I am going to have to bobbypin my hair back for awhile until the bangs grow out. The back is not short or stacked enough. I have been going to her for years. I cannot believe this horrible haircut happened. She said it looks cute and she would never let me leave with a bad haircut. Its a cute haircut, just not on me and not with my hair type. Seriously, I cried all the way home. She could tell I was upset and was asking what dont I like. She wanted to cut off MORE. I said 'no'. Cutting off more would make it worse. GRRRR!! I want to go to Texas look cute. I do not feel cute. :(

I wanted this haircut. Just a little bit shorter.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Backpacking August 6th-10th, 2008

August 6th thru 10th I was backpacking along the Superior Hiking Trail with the Veturing group. We started at Castle Danger and ended at Cove Point Resort. So much fun!!! The weather was beatiful. It only rained when we started our trip and a little that night. The was always a little breeze. The berries were is season so I was munching on thimbleberries, raspberries and blueberries during our hike. We backpacked around 4 to 7 miles a day. The streams and creeks were a little dry. One day we pumped our water out of a beaver pond.

This picture was taken on the second day, after snack time. Hopefully I can find a group in Texas to go backpacking with. My goal is to go camping at least twice in Texas while I am there.

I hope my dad gets my sister into the Venturing group. I was in it during high school and I have been a assistant adviser for about 1 1/2 years. I love it because I am able to camp, backpack, canoe, rock climb, horseback ride and tons of other things I do not think I would not do without the group.

Group picture on the last day after eating lunch at Two Harbors. I ate a greasy cheese veggie sandwich and cherry peach pie with ice cream. MMM!!!