Thursday, April 14, 2011


Lately I have been feeling/acting like I am waiting for my life to start. I feel in limbo. Maybe I thought my life would be different. I don't know how though. My ten year high school reunion was last summer and I turned 29 in February, kind of made me think about things (mainly - how do I want to live my life?). I need to stop thinking of my bike rides and camping trips are just time waste-ers, enjoy them and use them to their fullest potential (like, trying different recipes while camping). I need to enjoy life and use it to it's fullest potential. I need to stop taking the safe way, I am adventerous but keep holding myself back. There is no one event or product that will create happily ever after, life will always have struggles but I can be happy, live and grow.

Library Book:
I just finished A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. Part story and part self help-ish. It's about how to make the most out of your life. I recommend it.

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